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Distributed Linux Code Generator

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The Distributed Linux Code Generator back-end generates C/C++ code to run a DAL system on multiple clusters running Linux. Examples of such platforms are the QUonG platform or any Linux-based data center. For inter-cluster communication, the elaborated runtime-system uses the message-passing interface (MPI).

The Distributed Linux Code Generator back-end is an extension of the Single Linux Code Generator. Therefore, it maps each process onto a POSIX thread. The processes are loaded and linked dynamically, when the corresponding application is started. The FIFO channels connecting two processes mapped onto the same cluster are automatically implemented as ring buffers in the local memory of the cluster. Otherwise, the FIFO channels are implemented in the private memory of the receiver and the Open MPI library is used to send the data to the receiver.


  • C/C++ environment (g++ version 4.3 or greater)
  • C POSIX library
  • Open MPI library


On the computer where DAL is installed:

  • Run rundal.xml with Xeon Phi Code Generator back-end selected as code generator. For example:
    $ ant -f rundal.xml -Dbenchmark=TwoProducerConsumer -Dgenerator=distributedlinux -Dplatform=tikcluster_2boxes-Dmapping=mappingC2

On one of the computers of the target platform:

  • Upload the generated code to your home directory (that must be mounted to all computers)
  • Go to this directory and execute the following commands:
    $ make
    $ chmod +x
    $ ./

More Information

  • The basic functionality of the back-end is described in CASES 2012.
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