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Xeon Phi Code Generator

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The Xeon Phi Code Generator synthesizes a DAL system in order to be executed on top of an Intel Xeon Phi processor. The back-end generates code that can be executed as a native application running directly on an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor and its embedded Linux operating system.

The Xeon Phi Code Generator back-end is an extension of the Single Linux Code Generator, but implements certain functionality specific for the Xeon Phi processor.


  • Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 with Intel C++ Compiler.
  • Embedded Linux operating system running on Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor.


On a host computer that has DAL installed, execute the following steps:

  • Run rundal.xml with Xeon Phi Code Generator back-end selected as code generator. For example:
    $ ant -f rundal.xml -Dbenchmark=TwoProducerConsumer -Dgenerator=phi -Dplatform=xeonphi -Dmapping=mapping

On the management computer of the Xeon Phi co-processor, execute the following steps:

  • Upload the generated code to either your home directory (if it is mounted on the Xeon Phi) or to another directory that is shared between the the management computer and the Xeon Phi co-processor.
  • In this directory, execute the following commands:
    $ make
    $ ssh mic0
  • In the directory of the DAL binaries, execute the following commands:
    $ ./main

In case you use the Xeon Phi server installed at the TIK institute, do not forget to reserve and release the co-processor.

More Information

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!!! This document is stored in the ETH Web archive and is no longer maintained !!!